
Kindamindi aims to provide affordable quality care for the children in our local community by offering a stimulating, educational and developmentally appropriate program in a secure and caring environment.

The importance of the early childhood years is recognised as being a foundation for life outcomes. At Kindamindi, children are involved in activities, learning experiences and social interactions with a balance of indoor and outdoor activities each day.

We aim to develop a nurturing environment where children can develop a positive self-image and develop fully as an individual in their social and cultural environment.

Kindamindi follows the National Quality Framework (NQF) for early childhood education and care. The NQF introduced a new quality standard in 2012 to improve education and care across long day care, family day care, preschool/kindergarten, and outside school hours care services.

The NQF includes:

You can learn more about the NQF by visiting the ACECQA website here:

Belonging, Being and Becoming

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) describes the principles, practices and outcomes that support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school.

Kindamindi implements the EYLF in our daily programming in the nursery (0-2), toddler (2-3) and pre-schooler (3-5) age groups.

The EYLF is a key component of the National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care. The EYLF was developed by the Australian and state and territory governments with input from the early childhood sector and early childhood academics. It has incorporated feedback from a consultation process, including two national symposiums, national public consultation forums, focus groups, an online forum and case-study trials.

The framework offers a vision where all children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life’. It has been designed so that early childhood services will be able to develop their own strategies to implement its objectives.

Families looking for more information on the EYLF can use the Information for Families Guide which is available from the Department of Education.

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