Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I join the waitlist?

Please join the waitlist here –There is a $50 waitlist fee to join.  This should be paid directly to the bank account BSB: 062-267 Account: 10208924. Please include a reference with your payment with your surname.  Your waitlist position will be formalised after we reconcile your payment in our account.

2. Is there any fee to join the waitlist?

Yes. There is a $50 waitlist fee which must be paid directly into the Kindamindi bank account BSB: 062-267 Account: 10208924.  Please be sure to reference your payment with the surname associated with your online waitlist submission.  When this fee is paid in our account, then your waitlist application will be formalized.

3. When can I visit and tour the centre?

Tours are held by request. You should email  ([email protected])  to organise a  tour.  We do limit the amount of families at each tour.

We do not allow unscheduled, ad hoc visits.

4. What are your fees? Do you take a bond?

Our fees are $151 per day for all ages 0-6 year olds. This includes meals.  We require a 4 week bond paid on enrolment.  This is fully refundable upon leaving the centre on 4 weeks written notice if all statements are paid up to date in full.

5. What are the operating hours?

We are open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).  Parents must arrive no later than 5.45pm for afternoon collection as all persons must be exited and gates locked at 6pm sharp.

6. What if I am late for pick up?

You should call ahead to the centre to let staff know you are running late.  A late collection fee applies for children collected after 6pm.

7. What is the late collection fee?

$15 for the first minute after 6pm and a further $5 per minute thereafter until the family exits the gates.  We do not want to ever impose these late fees – so please be at pick up by 5.45pm at the latest.

8. When are you closed?

We are closed on all public holidays and for 2 weeks over the Christmas period each year.

9. Are you open during school holidays?

Yes. We are open 50 weeks of the year.  We are only closed on Public Holidays and for our 2 week Christmas closure.

10. Do you charge for Public Holidays?

Yes, we charge full fees for Public Holidays.

11. What is your Notice Period to leave or drop days?

If you wish to exit the centre, or drop booked days, you must give 4 weeks’ written notice by email to [email protected]  .  We hold a 4 week bond when enrolling to cover this 4 week notice period.  Failure to provide the full 4 weeks’ notice in writing of your intention to exit the centre will forfeit your bond (or part thereof).

12. How do I become more involved in the Co-Operative?

Parents can express their intention or desire to join the Board.  Under our Rules (Constitution) we require a minimum of 5 Directors at all times, including a President and a Treasurer).  There are a minimum of quarterly Board meetings throughout the year.  Or, you can attend more informal regular PMC (Parent Management Committee) meetings throughout the year to volunteer ideas, initiatives and lead fundraising and working bees.  We encourage positive, enthusiastic, helpful parent contribution, participation and support in the running and maintenance of the centre.

13. What are the Co-Operative Rules?

The Rules (Constitution) govern how the Co-Operative must be managed and run.  Our Rules are available to all parents when they enrol a child in the centre and become a member of the Co-Operative.

14. Do I need to bring my own nappies?

Yes if your child still uses nappies you must bring at least 5 nappies each day of their attendance.  You must also provide your own nappy rash cream if your child requires it.

16. What food/meals are provided?

Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack are provided to the nursery, toddlers and preschoolers.

17. Do I need to bring my children’s food/meals?

No. All meals are lovingly prepared fresh every day in our kitchen with a focus on wholesome, healthy, low-sugar, nutritionally balanced and delicious dishes offered.   Parents should not bring any other additional foods, or prepared meals, to the kindy unless discussed in advance with the Centre Director. Please see below re: breastmilk and formula.

18. What if my child has food allergies, asthma or other allergies/health issues?

You must notify us in the waitlist form and enrolment form process if your child has any special needs including: food allergies or sensitivities, special cultural dietary restrictions, asthma or any other special needs.  We are a 100% nut free environment.  Our staff are trained in the management of allergies and first aid response.

19. Does my child need to be vaccinated?

Yes. Unless you have a medical exemption (evidence must be provided), all children must be fully up to date with their vaccinations when they commence their enrolment.

20. What if I am still breastfeeding? Do you provide baby formula?

We support mothers still breastfeeding and/or using baby formula.  We do not provide formula. You must provide your own formula or expressed breastmilk (in a vacuum sealed pouch) for each day of your child’s attendance.

21. Do you apply sunscreen?

All children should have sunscreen applied by their parents before drop-off each morning.  Staff will apply further sunscreen for outdoor activities in the afternoon.  We supply a broad brim sunhat each day for each child enrolled(with their name clearly marked on it).If you would prefer to bring your on hat in please label it clearly with your child’s name.

22. When do the children sleep during the day?

Nursery has a dedicated dark sleeping room with cot beds.  Babies’  (0-2) sleep routines are managed and supported in discussion with their parents to align with their personal development stage and needs.  Toddler and Preschooler groups have a lunchtime sleep/rest time in the middle of the day following lunchtime.  Older children preparing to start primary the next year may not sleep, but be encouraged to have “rest” or “quiet” time or participate in separate “transition to school” activities away from the sleeping children.  Parents must provide a cot bedding sheet (preferably with a distinctive colour/pattern which your child recognises) and blanket (in winter) each day of attendance.

23. What should my child bring each day?

Children should bring a school bag with their water bottle, spare set of clothes (especially several pairs of underpants and pants if toilet training), minimum 5 nappies (if still wearing nappies), bed sheet and blanket, sunhat each day.  All items must be clearly named with permanent marker or secure tags for identification.  All children must wear a sunhat with a wide brim and should have sunscreen applied by their parents before drop-off each morning.  Staff will apply further sunscreen in the afternoon.  Children should NOT bring any special, sentimental or expensive clothes or items to kindy as these can be inadvertently lost or damaged.  Children should wear fastened, closed-toe, supportive shoes – not thongs/flip-flops.

24. What should my child wear to kindy?

All children should dress appropriately for the season/weather.  For sun protection, we ask that children wear tshirts or tops which cover their shoulders and bring a broad-brimmed sunhat to wear during outdoor play.  Children should wear fastened, closed toe shoes – not thongs or flip-flops.  In cooler months please ensure your child has a warm jumper/jacket for outdoor playtime.  Children should not bring or wear expensive, special clothing/shoes to kindy as it is very likely that they will be exposed to dirt/mud, paint, crayons, playdough, slime, messy foods and such items may easily become dirtied or damaged through the child’s ordinary play activities.

25. What if my child loses something at kindy?

We have a lost property bucket which we encourage parents to check when they visit the centre.  Parents can also post images or requests for lost items to other parents on the Parents Facebook Page which is a closed/private Facebook page for parents to interact.  We encourage families not to bring special/valuable toys/clothing or other sentimental items to kindy as they can get inadvertently damaged or lost.

26. Do you have a Parent’s App to see photos and stories of my child’s day?

Yes.  We use the Earlyworks platform which provides parents with updates about their children’s meals, sleeptimes, nappy changes as well as a Journal story about the various program activities the children are participating in and photos of their children engaging in their day at kindy.  Parents are invited to their own Earlyworks login when you enrol a child in the centre.

27. Can I see photos of my child’s day on Facebook?

No. Educators do not upload photos of children and stories of the children on Facebook. We use Earlyworks for reporting on individual children’s activities.  There is a Parent’s Facebook page for parents to interact with one another and for occasional reminders for parents from the office.  This is a private/closed Facebook page and parents can request to join when their child enrolls in the centre by searching for Kindamindi Parents Group on Facebook and requesting to join.

28. Can I get the Child Care Subsidy?

If you are eligible and apply directly to Centrelink then yes – we are an approved provider for Child Care Subsidy and are able to process this.  If you are found eligible and approved for the government Child Care Subsidy (CCS) by Centrelink and provide all necessary details to us upon enrolment (or thereafter) then we can process your CCS as a reduction to your fees.  If Centrelink delays approval, delays payment, rejects your application, withdraws its approval, cancels your entitlement or otherwise refuses to pay CCS to you for any reason, you are still liable to Kindamindi at all times to pay your full fees per day.  Your entitlement to any subsidy from Centrelink is the family’s responsibility.  You are responsible for applying for, managing and communicating with Centrelink directly for any concerns, questions or disputes.

29. How do I apply for Child Care Subsidy?

You must apply through Centrelink (via your MyGov registration).  More information is available at the Department of Human Services. Please contact Centrelink to answer any further questions about CCS.

30. Do I still pay daily fees if my child is sick or on holidays or absent for any other reason?

Yes.  If your child is enrolled for attendance on that day you must pay the daily fee regardless of whether your child attends.

31. Can I book casual extra days?

Yes if your child is enrolled with us as a student and there is a space available on the day you request.  You are able to request via the parent “Xplor Playground” app which is downloaded on your phone once your child is enrolled. We request that it is at least 1 day in advance.  Casual days are granted on a discretionary basis.

32. How many children attend each day?

We are registered for 32 children to attend each day.  We have maximum of 8 children in the nursery (0-2yo) on any day, and the remaining 24 spaces are spread across the toddler (2-3) and preschooler (3-5) groups.

33. What are the child/educator ratios in the centre?

We follow the National Quality Framework (NQF) which sets out the minimum child ratio requirements for children’s education and care in Australia.  In NSW, this is 4:1 for birth – 24mths, 5:1 for children aged over 24mths up to 3mths, and 10:1 for children over 36mths up to and including preschool age (6yo).

34. Do you offer a transition to school program for children going to primary school?

Yes.  The older preschoolers who will be graduating to primary school participate in our preschooler education program which also includes components to prepare them for the transition to primary school.

35. Do you offer any extra curricular activities?

We have “Frenzy Sports” a third party visit us and provide gross motor sports and physical education for 1 hour, on two days of the week, for the 0-5yo  group’s.  We also have ” Soundplay ” a music and movement program for 0-5 yo group’s. This is included as part of the education program and is fully funded by the kindy.  There are no additional fees for this program.

36. Do you offer priority for siblings of enrolled children?

Yes.  Once a family joins the centre and enrols a child, any subsequent children in the same family will be given waitlist priority above the general public.

Want to take a tour of the centre?